La convivència escolar a primària: anàlisi de les dificultats de convivència i identificació de les iniciatives de millora als centres escolars de primària de Catalunya
Texto Completo
The thesis “The coexistence in primary schools” aims to analyse the difficulties encountered by primary schools in Catalonia in terms of coexistence. It also focuses on the various proposals for improvement that school centres carry out and the difficulties of implementing them. The current study concludes that although the conflicte in primary schools is low, we must work thoroughly to prevent possible conflicts and resolve the already existing ones both in the classroom and the school centre itself. It also presents a wide range of actions undertaken by the school centres, both in prevention and resolution, putting into evidence the high priority that schools give to improving relationships. It also highlights the need to ensure the involvement of the whole educational community in the various actions undertaken, as well as the fact of tracking the process.
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