Muqawama: estrategias de resistencia de niños en situación de calle estudio de caso en Tánger

Texto Completo
This article aims to understand the resistance mechanisms used by street children in Tangier, in the north of Morocco. From an agency perspective towards them, this work reflects on their participation in public space, as well as the necessary changes that the professionals who work with them contemplate. To achieve this, we participated for two months in the framework of a transnational project located in Tangier that works with children in this context. For this research, it has been adopted to carry out a case study in this territory using the participant observation technique with 80 street boys and 6 girls between 9 and 18 years old who are part of the project. Likewise, two interviews have been carried out with professionals linked to children and a focus group has been developed with three educators who work in the aforementioned context, with the aim of contributing towards a view of childhood agency and the search for new possibilities for its context ​
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