Transmedia learning and gender in the context of Italian Licei Classici

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This paper analyzes the digital profile of Italian Licei Classici students in terms of gender, focusing on the competences required by transmedia learning strategies. To this end, a quantitative methodology is applied to 400 adolescents, based on a questionnaire composed of indicators in the field of new media literacy. Italian adolescents show positive digital skills and attitudes toward transmedia, higher than the reference values for each indicator; moreover, in terms of gender, the traditional differences are generally neutralized (women show even higher values than men). From the point of view of transmedia learning (adaptable, flexible and not technically demanding), the values in which women are better versed (information skills and transmedia navigation) mean that learning opportunities are more favorable to them. Therefore, the context of licei classici can not only host transmedia learning experiences, but transmedia learning can also be a proposal against the traditional gender digital divide ​
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