La música tradicional de Creta: patrimoni, discursos i pràctiques

Alsina Iglesias, Jordi
This is a thesis on the processes of cultural heritage, specifically popular or traditional music on the island of Crete (Greece). My main focus has been on the role played by the Greek state, tourism, the media and production, and the musicians of the so-called traditional Cretan music, also known as kritiká, and its effects on island society. During the research, I focus on the processes, discourses and practices with which the identity of this community is built through musical practices. Indicating which are the attributes that are perceived as own patrimonial elements and their uses, by the group under study. Although I have adopted a synchronic perspective, I have taken into account a broader chronological framework that has started from the year 1821. The year that official historiography marks as the birth of modern Greece. The study has included musicians, as central actors in musical practice, although other actors, such as the public, producers, music journalists and politicians, have not been excluded ​
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