Hacia una caracterización del álgebra temprana a partir del análisis de los currículos contemporáneos de Educación Infantil y Primaria

Texto Completo
This article discusses the incorporation of early algebra in the curric- ula of Early Childhood and Primary Education in the United States, Australia, Singapore and Chile is analyzed. Based on the content analysis method, a comparative study has been made and the first categories of knowledge have been established to characterize early algebra: 1) Early Childhood Education: experimentation with elements or objects based on the recognition of attributes to establish relationships, seriations based on patterns of repetition (identifica- tion, construction and representation) and description of qualitative and quan- titative changes; 2) Primary Education: understanding different types of relationships and patterns, using algebraic symbols and mathematical models to represent mathematical situations, understanding change and using variables to determine a constant or unknown. It is concluded that it is necessary for teacher training programs to include this knowledge to adequately articulate it in the two educational stages ​
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