Del razonamiento lógico-matemático al álgebra temprana en Educación Infantil = From logical-mathematical reasoning to early algebra in Early Childhood Education

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Firstly, the main causes that explain the exclusive connection of algebra with symbolic language and middle and superior degrees are reviewed: traditional nomenclature used to refer to algebraic knowledge (logic, mathematical logic or logical-mathematical reasoning), together with the presence of modern mathematics, has caused the absence of a standard of algebra in the first educational levels. In the second part, the change of trend in the curricula of countries such as the United States, Singapore, Australia or New Zealand is described and the explicit presence of early algebra in the Early Childhood curriculum is defended. From this point of view, a proposal of the sequencing of early algebra from 3 to 6 years is presented and a teaching itinerary to empower both children's algebraic thinking and to promote the professional development of Early Childhood Education' teachers is described ​
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