Més enllà de l’escola rural: cap a un model integral i integrador de l’educació en el territori

orcId Feu, Jordi
Feu, Jordi
Soler, Joan
In this article, two basic ideas closely related to rural schools are presented and developed: the territorial units defined by the Administration, and the territorial units defined by certain social and educational needs. This approach raises a question which is essential to understand the role of school in the territory: Does it make sense, nowadays, to defend the idea of having a school in every town? To find an answer to it, we must analyze not only the demography but also the popular and political will in order to ensure the integration of the school within the town’s social and cultural life. Thus, we propose a wider structure, such as the Sector Educational Project, understood as an Educational Sector, so that it becomes an educational space, which integrates and is shaped according to the true claims and needs of the town’s inhabitants ​
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