La reflexió sobre la pròpia pràctica: una eina per progressar en l’ensenyament de les matemàtiques
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This article briefly reviews the different models in existence in our country for in-service teacher training in the area of mathematics teaching, clarifying some of the currents which have made it possible to make progress in the direction of good mathematics learning: skills, the learning context and the connections between different areas of mathematical content. In this context, and building on educational research at both national and international levels, the institutional goal is to promote a training model based on social-constructivist theories of human learning, in which teachers are at the centre of, and are the initiators of, their own training. This model sets out from the observation of what each teacher does, how they do it and why they do it. Interaction with others, with oneself and with theory leads to reflection upon the practice observed and, by means of processes such as contrast and instrument such as portfolios, to reconstruction which brings about appreciable improvement in one’s own practices. Even though the features of the model do not allow training to begin on the basis of closed content, readers are offered some arguments to justify the choice of “the methodological use of problems in the mathematics classroom” as apattern for content within the training programme for mathematics teachers run by the autonomous government of Catalonia’s department of education and universities
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