Esclerosi múltiple i brots: estrès, afrontament i curs de la malaltia
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The effects of stress on the nervous system, the endocrine system and especially on the immune system have generated the hypothesis that it might be a relevant factor in the evolution of multiple sclerosis (MS). The exposure to stress with respect to risk of worsening in the evolution of MS, and the impact on patients’ quality of life (QL) are studied. Some variables modulating the perception of stress are identified. An 18-month prospective cohort study with a sample of 49 patients. The stress measures, its clinical forms (anxiety and depression) and coping, together with other variables, have an impact on both the course of the MS and QL of patients. QL is good and the best QL predictors are lower anxiety and depression levels, male sex and a low number of pseudo-relapses. Patients may benefit from psychological interventions (integrated in neurorehabilitation) aimed at managing stress, its clinical forms and unhelpful coping strategies in order to improve the clinical course of MS and QL
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