MSSPACC: Sistema d'execució paral·lela d'aplicacions amb especulació sobre entorns distribuïts
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The research we have conducted has been aimed at developing a new mechanism of extraction and use of parallelism at a high level, based on speculation techniques, in cluster environments. This allows our mechanism to be architecture independent and to be adapted to heterogeneous environments. As a drawback there are some limitations due to the fact of working at a high level, such as memory address access dependencies and those occurring in vector operations. The Master/Slave Speculative Parallelization Architecture for Computer Clusters (MSSPACC) is considered that works at the TLP taking advantage of the execution tools of the ILP level. It works at TLP level because the program is divided into threads which we call blocks. The blocks they are considered like single instructions and follow the same pattern of a superscalar processor ILP (input variables are considered like operands and the output like the result of the execution).
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