Cultural Impact Perception a model proposal for intangible impact assessment. Una proposta d'avaluació de política pública a través de l'anàlisi d'impactes culturals d'esdeveniments culturals entesos com a actes d'implementació

Colombo Vilarrasa, Alba
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In contemporary democratic societies most administrations manage their competences by means of programmes of government action, i.e. using public policies. These aim to resolve publicly identified situations or conflicts, as well as design strategies and / or implementation tools by means of action programmes derived from political - public administration agreements that have the objective of resolving these collective problems. Within this framework it is necessary to evaluate these processes so as to identify if the programmes established by the governments have been adequate, and if they have been capable of solving the various problems and of reaching the target groups in order to satisfy their needs and improve the situation of the final beneficiaries. This research proposes the analysis and measurement of cultural events, understood as acts of implementing a public policy, in order to later discover if evaluating a policy by means of the proposed analysis of the impacts is possible. Therefore the challenge of this research is found in the process of analysing cultural impacts so as to be able to observe if this analysis process can be adapted to the effectiveness analysis of a public policy. ​
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