Listar CODAWORK’05 por fecha de publicación
A compositional approach to stable isotope data analysis
Obj. de conferencia
Regression analysis of compositional data when both the dependent variable and independent variable are components
Obj. de conferencia
Compositional data analysis of vote shares in the 2001 Australian Federal election
Obj. de conferencia
Convex linear combination processes for compositions
Obj. de conferencia
Application of discriminant function analysis and change-point problem in dating volcanic ashes
Obj. de conferencia
An R Library for Compositional Data Analysis in Archaeometry
Obj. de conferencia
Thermodynamics and log–contrast analysis in fluid geochemistry
Obj. de conferencia
Assessing the Precision of Compositional Data in a Stratified Double Stage Cluster Sample: Application to the Swiss Earnings Structure Survey
Obj. de conferencia
Group preference structures in AHP–group decision making
Obj. de conferencia
CoDa-dendrogram: A new exploratory too
Obj. de conferencia
Compositional analysis of archaeological glasses
Obj. de conferencia
Grain size analyses in tin-lead glazes based on 2d-sections
Obj. de conferencia
Weighted Logratio Biplots, Correspondence Analysis and Spectral Maps
Obj. de conferencia
Comparing correspondence analysis and the log-ratio alternative for representing categorical data
Obj. de conferencia
Some last thoughts on compositional data analysis
Obj. de conferencia
Interactions between grain size and composition of sediments: two examples
Obj. de conferencia
Compositional Data in Biomedical Research
Obj. de conferencia
Comparison studies of tin deposits (Priamurye, Russia) using the Aitchison’s methodology
Obj. de conferencia
Aitchison Geometry for Probability and Likelihood as a new approach to mathematical statistics
Obj. de conferencia
A tale of two logits, compositional data analysis and zero observations
Obj. de conferencia
Analyzing shapes as compositions of distances
Obj. de conferencia
A compositional data analysis package for R providing multiple approaches
Obj. de conferencia