2nd Compositional Data Analysis Workshop. Girona 19-21 October 2005
The Workshop on Compositional Data is intended as a forum for discussion of important points related to the statistical treatment and modelling of compositional data, as well as their applications and interpretation. The goal of such discussions is to get some insight into the most appealing future lines of research in the field. In order to meet this general but clear goal, we intend to bring together a significant number of specialists, users and interested people to collect critical contributions and start a stimulating brainstorming.
Some last thoughts on compositional data analysis
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Comparison studies of tin deposits (Priamurye, Russia) using the Aitchison’s methodology
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Compositional Data in Biomedical Research
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Aitchison Geometry for Probability and Likelihood as a new approach to mathematical statistics
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Spatial Analysis of Cell Composition Data
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Comparing correspondence analysis and the log-ratio alternative for representing categorical data
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alr approach for replacing values below the detection limit
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The Dirichlet distribution with respect to the Aitchison measure on the simplex - a first approach
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Compositional Data Analysis with R
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Group preference structures in AHP–group decision making
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An R Library for Compositional Data Analysis in Archaeometry
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Convex linear combination processes for compositions
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Application of discriminant function analysis and change-point problem in dating volcanic ashes
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