'Adults need the refresh button': LGBTIQ adolescents' perceptions, resilience and beliefs regarding social support services
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Several studies on LGBTIQ experiences highlight the discrimination experienced by adolescents in numerous different environments. The objectives of this article are: (1) to examine the perceptions of LGBTIQ adolescents regarding professional support and its ability to meet their specific needs; (2) to analyse the strategies employed by LGBTIQ adolescents in confronting anti-LGBTIQ violence, as well as identifying professional practices they deem adequate, and (3) to explore LGBTIQ adolescents' expectations concerning social support services and the role of youth support professionals. We employed a mixed methods approach, analysing quantitative data from a survey of 974 participants (14-17-year-olds) and qualitative data obtained from four focus groups involving 24 adolescents in Spain. Findings regarding respondents' beliefs and experiences about the support received, as well as those concerning resilience process and expectations, highlight the need to review adult views on sexuality and gender, as well as the need to incorporate new skills, cultural competencies and professional practices in youth work which can enable the detection of the specific needs of LGBTIQ adolescents. The results of this research hold particular significance for the social work field and implementing the EU strategy on the rights of the child and the LGBTIQ Equality Strategy (2020-2025)
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