La biblioteca escolar a l’educació secundària: un entorn d’aprenentatge per millorar la competència mediàtica i informacional
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ENG- The research delves into the relationships between media and information literacy (MIL) and secondary school libraries within the Catalan context, incorporating the perspectives of teachers, librarians, and students through a case study. Its aim is to promote improvements in the educational community's acquisition of media and information literacy skills, emphasizing the educational role of school libraries.
The research is structured into six chapters. The first chapter focuses on defining the research objectives and questions that shape the study. The second chapter details the methodology followed and explains the design of the tools selected to gather data for the analysis and to address the research questions.
The third chapter is divided into two parts to establish the state of the art in the two major areas of the research. The first part, dedicated to school libraries, explores their educational role, focusing on secondary school libraries in Catalonia. It offers a review of relevant legal and reference texts, continues with an analysis of the specific situation of secondary school libraries in Catalonia in relation to media and information literacy, and concludes with an overview of the educational role of school libraries, considering their evolution and emphasizing their impact. The second part addresses the state of the art regarding media and information literacy, reviewing the fundamental concepts and examining its evolution over time. Various models and standards used are presented, the presence of MIL in the educational curriculum is analyzed, and a review of the latest research on the information skills of the educational community is conducted.
The fourth chapter focuses on a case study conducted at the Menéndez y Pelayo Institute (Barcelona) and is divided into two parts. The first part describes the context of the selected educational institution and the characteristics of its school library. The second part centers on the analysis of data collected from the three groups involved in the case study (interviews with field specialists, interviews with the school’s teaching staff, and a focus group with third-year ESO students) as well as the analysis of the synthesis projects. Each section includes a detailed analysis of both individual and group interviews, followed by a synthesis highlighting the most relevant aspects of each interview.
The fifth chapter contains the conclusions drawn from the analysis, where all the information gathered, analyzed, and cross-referenced between the state of the art and the data obtained in the case study converges. The sixth chapter provides a set of didactic guidelines regarding the effective integration of media and information literacy into the educational curriculum and the support that school libraries can offer to enhance these competencies in secondary education, particularly in the context of the synthesis project and similar assignments
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