Educación sexual integral en chile: barreras, oportunidades y desafios para su implementación en escuelas públicas y concertadas

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ENG- This doctoral thesis follows the format of a compilation of articles and focuses on the multiple challenges faced by the implementation of Comprehensive Sexual Education (CSE) in the Chilean context. This format was chosen as it allows different dimensions of the issue to be addressed through academic publications, facilitating the dissemination of knowledge and contributing to the debate on CSE in Chile, especially in times of social and educational change. CSE is a pedagogical approach that aims to provide children and adolescents (NNA, for its initials in Spanish) not only with information about the biological aspects of sexuality but also with a broad understanding that includes emotional, social, ethical, and health dimensions. Ideally, CSE promotes values of respect for diversity, gender equity, and informed decision making regarding one's sexuality. However, the implementation of this approach in Chile has faced numerous obstacles, both ideological and structural. In Chile, the implementation of CSE has encountered ideological and social resistance, and the lack of proper teacher training is a significant barrier. Despite legal advances that promote CSE, internal barriers (such as teachers' beliefs) and external ones (family and religious pressures) remain obstacles to its effective integration into school curricula. Furthermore, sociopolitical pressures from conservative, religious, and family sectors have created significant resistance to the full integration of CSE into school curricula. This has been exacerbated by the lack of specialized training for teachers and school leaders, who, in many cases, do not have the pedagogical tools to address these issues in a systematic and cross-curricular manner in schools. This work is structured around three articles, each focusing on a key aspect of CSE and its relationship to the recent changes brought about by the pandemic and the increasing use of digital technologies by students. The thesis, as a whole, seeks to provide a deeper and more nuanced understanding of CSE in Chile. The methodological approach of this doctoral thesis is qualitative, using semi-structured interviews with a total of 30 participants, including school leaders and feminist teachers from public and subsidized schools in the Ñuble and Metropolitan regions. These interviews provided a broader view of the perceptions and experiences of key actors the implementation of CSE. The choice of regions aimed to capture Chile's geographical and sociocultural diversity. While the Metropolitan Region, with its high population density and cultural diversity, offers a perspective on urban challenges, Ñuble, a predominantly rural region, provides insight into the particularities of implementing CSE in more traditional and less urbanized contexts ​
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