Aportes de la teoría bioecológica de Bronfenbrenner a la investigación e intervención educativa

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Urie Bronfenbrenner (1917-2005) is one of the most cited and recognized authors in developmental psychology, educational psychology and learning and educational sciences, in general. However, it has been argued that its dissemination and reception remains limited to his first works linked to his ecological model of human development. The purpose of this article is to enrich the understanding of his work through the analysis of his bioecological theory, as well as his ProcessPerson-Context-Time (PPCT) model. Specifically, the intellectual development of the author is traced, with special emphasis on his educational concerns, to describe the implementation of his model in research designs, as well as to suggest some contributions that emerge from said work according to our view. In particular, we highlight the 'proximal processes', as 'sociocultural practices', as a unit of analysis, and explanatory mechanism of the development and learning processes, within the framework of interactions, over time (microtime, mesotime, macrotime), between the characteristics of the person (strengths, resources, demands) and his/her contexts of life and socialization: micro-, meso-, exo- and macrosystems-. In the context of educational interventions, we suggest the notion of educational ecosystem that we consider compatible with the model described ​
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