Flexibilidad psicológica: un factor protector ante el estrés académico en estudiantes universitarios de Ecuador

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The transition to college presents significant mental health challenges for students due to stress from various demands, impacting academic performance and completion. In Ecuador, while educational institutions offer free health services, students often avoid professional help due to stigma and other concerns. This research aimed to enhance psychological flexibility in the university environment through two studies. Psychological flexibility, the ability to connect with the present moment and adapt behavior based on values, was a key focus. The first study validated the "Workplace Acceptance and Action Questionnaire" (WAAQ) with Ecuadorian students, enabling measurement of psychological flexibility in academic life. The second study developed a psychological flexibility training program for student representatives and mentors. This program aimed to identify and manage psychological inflexibility and academic stress, especially relevant during the COVID-19 lockdown, which emphasized peer support. Results showed improved competence in addressing stress and psychological inflexibility, though no significant improvements in psychological flexibility and mental health were observed, likely due to a small sample size or the need for longer interventions ​
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