A/r/tografía para explorar transformaciones educativas con el Art Thinking: innovación en la educación artística básica en Grecia
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Today's society faces challenges such as the global economic crisis, social and political changes, and a health crisis. Among these challenges, education faces a crisis of its own, with the urgent need to prepare current and future generations for a constantly evolving world. However, schools remain in traditional practices that do not meet the demands of a technological and complex society, focusing on logic and neglecting creative and artistic potential.
In response to this need for change, innovative educational proposals have emerged, such as the Art Thinking methodology, which integrates art and education. Based on neuroscience and using contemporary art as a form of expression, a guide as well as a pedagogical methodology, it aims to enhance students’ creative and critical mentality. It allows us to provide them with skills to face challenges in an innovative and thoughtful way, thus contributing to the improvement of our society.
This a/r/tographic research analyzes and evaluates Art Thinking as an educational approach in the Greek artistic curriculum, highlighting its potential to foster creativity, divergent thinking, empathy, critical judgment and collaborative work. This research interweaves three strands that correspond to the three eco-educational and artistic projects with emphasis on two case studies.
This project approaches education from new perspectives, adding knowledge and filling existing gaps. It represents a significant contribution to academic knowledge in Spain and Greece, by applying artistic strategies of the AT methodology for the first time in formal Educational Greek context, and moreover employing a/r/tography to understand its effect. This could mark a turning point in the development of artistic projects, with this written document being an aid in the projection of new ideas. The research shows that art education has generated new knowledge in the participants and highlights the importance of enhancing the five capacities of art (Creativity, Divergent Thinking, Empathy, Critical Thinking and Collaborative work) in formal education
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