Estrategias metodológicas para mejorar el conocimiento especializado sobre la enseñanza de la estadística = Estratégias metodológicas para melhorar o conhecimento especializado sobre o ensino de estatística = Methodological strategies for improving specialized knowledge on teaching of statistics
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Based on the results of a previous research in which, from the Mathematical Teacher's Specialized Knowledge (MTSK) model, the specialized knowledge of primary school teachers on the teaching of statistics has been analyzed, different methodological strategies are offered with the aim of linking these results with school practice. For each sub-domain of knowledge, first a brief description and a synthesis of the main findings of the preliminary study is presented, and then different methodological strategies contextualized from a particular training process or activity are offered to enable teachers to improve the planning and management of statistical tasks and to teach more effectively. It is concluded that the use of different methodologies (Lesson Study, Flipped Classroom, reflection on practice, task design, among others) can contribute to improve teachers' specialized knowledge to teach statistics and, consequently, improve the development of statistical literacy in primary school students
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