Improving brain atrophy quantification with deep learning from automated labels using tissue similarity priors

Brain atrophy measurements derived from magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) are a promising marker for the diagnosis and prognosis of neurodegenerative pathologies such as Alzheimer’s disease or multiple sclerosis. However, its use in individualized assessments is currently discouraged due to a series of technical and biological issues. In this work, we present a deep learning pipeline for segmentation-based brain atrophy quantification that improves upon the automated labels of the reference method from which it learns. This goal is achieved through tissue similarity regularization that exploits the a priori knowledge that scans from the same subject made within a short interval must have similar tissue volumes. To train the presented pipeline, we use unlabeled pairs of T1-weighted MRI scans having a tissue similarity prior, and generate the target brain tissue segmentations in a fully automated manner using the fsl_anat pipeline implemented in the FMRIB Software Library (FSL). Tissue similarity regularization is enforced during training through a weighted loss term that penalizes tissue volume differences between short-interval scan pairs from the same subject. In inference, the pipeline performs end-to-end skull stripping and brain tissue segmentation from a single T1-weighted MRI scan in its native space, i.e., without performing image interpolation. For longitudinal evaluation, each image is independently segmented first, and then measures of change are computed. We evaluate the presented pipeline in two different MRI datasets, MIRIAD and ADNI1, which have longitudinal and short-interval imaging from healthy controls (HC) and Alzheimer’s disease (AD) subjects. In short-interval scan pairs, tissue similarity regularization reduces the quantification error and improves the consistency of measured tissue volumes. In the longitudinal case, the proposed pipeline shows reduced variability of atrophy measures and higher effect sizes of differences in annualized rates between HC and AD subjects. Our pipeline obtains a Cohen’s d effect size of on the MIRIAD dataset, an increase from the reference pipeline used to train it ( ), and higher than that of SIENA ( ), a well-known state-of-the-art approach. In the ADNI1 dataset, the proposed pipeline improves its effect size ( ) with respect to the reference pipeline ( ) and surpasses SIENA ( ). The proposed data-driven deep learning regularization reduces the biases and systematic errors learned from the reference segmentation method, which is used to generate the training targets. Improving the accuracy and reliability of atrophy quantification methods is essential to unlock brain atrophy as a diagnostic and prognostic marker in neurodegenerative pathologies Entreu el resum (Recomanat en anglés)​Brain atrophy measurements derived from magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) are a promising marker for the diagnosis and prognosis of neurodegenerative pathologies such as Alzheimer's disease or multiple sclerosis. However, its use in individualized assessments is currently discouraged due to a series of technical and biological issues. In this work, we present a deep learning pipeline for segmentation-based brain atrophy quantification that improves upon the automated labels of the reference method from which it learns. This goal is achieved through tissue similarity regularization that exploits the a priori knowledge that scans from the same subject made within a short interval must have similar tissue volumes. To train the presented pipeline, we use unlabeled pairs of T1-weighted MRI scans having a tissue similarity prior, and generate the target brain tissue segmentations in a fully automated manner using the fsl_anat pipeline implemented in the FMRIB Software Library (FSL). Tissue similarity regularization is enforced during training through a weighted loss term that penalizes tissue volume differences between short-interval scan pairs from the same subject. In inference, the pipeline performs end-to-end skull stripping and brain tissue segmentation from a single T1-weighted MRI scan in its native space, i.e., without performing image interpolation. For longitudinal evaluation, each image is independently segmented first, and then measures of change are computed. We evaluate the presented pipeline in two different MRI datasets, MIRIAD and ADNI1, which have longitudinal and short-interval imaging from healthy controls (HC) and Alzheimer's disease (AD) subjects. In short-interval scan pairs, tissue similarity regularization reduces the quantification error and improves the consistency of measured tissue volumes. In the longitudinal case, the proposed pipeline shows reduced variability of atrophy measures and higher effect sizes of differences in annualized rates between HC and AD subjects. Our pipeline obtains a Cohen's d effect size of d=2.07 on the MIRIAD dataset, an increase from the reference pipeline used to train it (d=1.01), and higher than that of SIENA (d=1.73), a well-known state-of-the-art approach. In the ADNI1 dataset, the proposed pipeline improves its effect size (d=1.37) with respect to the reference pipeline (d=0.80) and surpasses SIENA (d=1.33). The proposed data-driven deep learning regularization reduces the biases and systematic errors learned from the reference segmentation method, which is used to generate the training targets. Improving the accuracy and reliability of atrophy quantification methods is essential to unlock brain atrophy as a diagnostic and prognostic marker in neurodegenerative pathologies ​
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