Deterioro cognitivo leve y demencia tipo Alzheimer en personas con discapacidad intelectual: detección, clasificación y caracterización de la evolución clínica

Rodriguez-Hidalgo, Emili
Background. Intellectual disability is a neurodevelopment disorder affecting intellectual functioning and adaptive behavior. The increase of life expectancy of this population leads to an increase of mental health pathologies such as Alzheimer’s diseases, especially relevant in people with Down syndrome. Despite advances in research have identifies promising biomarkers in the context of the biological model, neuropsychological examination has a fundamental role in the diagnosis and monitoring the progressive course of dementia in general, although its difficulty in people with intellectual disabilities, due to the cognitive and behavioral phenotype of each case. In addition, despite the increasing number of adapted and validated neuropsychological tools are nowadays available in this population, unlike people without intellectual disabilities, there is still a lack of a brief screening test for memory, a fundamental domain in the study of Alzheimer’s disease. On the other hand and also compared to people without intellectual disabilities, there is not a unified criterion for the clinical stages of Alzheimer's disease in people with Down syndrome. Objectives. The main objective of this thesis was to adapt and validate two instruments in people with intellectual disabilities. The first instrument was a screening test for memory problems associated with mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer's disease (Study 1), and the second was a global impairment scale to characterize the clinical progression of Alzheimer's disease in people with Down syndrome (Study 2) ​
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