Integration of migrant children in educational systems in Spain: stakeholders' views
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This paper presents an overview of approaches and propo- sals to improve the integration of migrant children in schools in Spain and it is linked to the European research project Migrant Children and Communities in a Transforming Europe (MiCREATE). It focuses on a part of the research in which stakeholders were interviewed. Based on the needs of migrant children and practices already implemented in Spain, experts from di erent elds problematised and pro- posed improvements in current policies and practices in education. The main conclusions indicate that a more holistic and transversal approach to the inclusion of migrants is needed, as well as better coordination between institutions in di erent contexts and areas of action. This implies rethink- ing inclusive practices and involving children's families and taking their environment into consideration, as well as sup- porting educational practices that foster a sense of belonging among migrant children and their families in schools, the community, and society. Finally, the paper highlights the importance of gathering data from stakeholders in di erent elds of expertise and areas of action in order to obtain a more complex and insightful overview of the phenomenon under study
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