Perspectives of Women with Intellectual Disabilities Regarding Affective Sexual Relationships: a Systematic Literature Review
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Introduction: Despite the recognition of the right to sexual identity and expression for all people, individuals with intellectual disabilities continue to face significant restrictions in these aspects of their lives. The prevailing myths and stereotypes surrounding their sexual-affective relationships place people with intellectual disabilities—especially women—in a position of great vulnerability. Methods: A systematic literature review was conducted, examining the content of the following databases: BASE, Dialnet, ERIC, La Referencia, Microsoft Academic, Redalyc, REDIB, Redined, Science Direct, Scopus, Web of Science, and World Wide Science. A total of 178 potentially relevant articles were identified, out of which 11 met the eligibility criteria. Finally, the themes covered in the articles were identified and analyzed. Results: The results obtained were classified into six categories: perceptions regarding sex and sexuality, experiences of abuse, views and experiences of relationships between couples, the LGTBIQ + community, knowledge about contraception and related experiences, and, finally, beliefs regarding gender scripts. Conclusions: This study offers valuable insights into the knowledge (or lack thereof) and beliefs regarding sex and sexuality, experiences of abuse among women with intellectual disabilities, the lack of independence and external intervention, and the influence of traditional gender scripts. Furthermore, this research also establishes a theoretical foundation for future support resources and initiatives, as well as social and public implications