Activisme patrimonial a Catalunya. La salvaguarda del patrimoni construït (1970-2020)
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This doctoral thesis studies the relationship between citizenship and built heritage through the social movements that arise for its claim and defense, that is, heritage activism. The research delves into the initiatives that have emerged in Catalonia (excluding the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona) from grassroots movements throughout 1970-2020, with the aim of safeguarding and/or highlighting the value of buildings, neighbourhoods, and singular architectural elements.
The research is structured in three areas. The first exposes the theoretical framework and contains a state of the investigation that, through an exhaustive identification of both international and local publications, shows how academic literature has considered the phenomenon and from what theoretical perspectives. From the previous preservationist or conservationist currents of nineteenth-century Europe to the movements that take place in globalised societies, this exercise reveals a series of approaches that are developed throughout the initial sections and indicate a social attitude towards heritage in which concepts such as identity, memory, conflict, gentrification, and the right to the city are articulated. The second is the core part of the thesis and consists of an inventory of cases. Taking into account the established territorial and chronological framework, extensive fieldwork has been carried out throughout Catalonia which, accompanied by research in primary and secondary sources, has identified and collected information on initiatives where grassroots movements have defended threatened and/or abandoned built heritage. The data is systematized in a set of case files that provide context for the mobilizations and their outcomes, while documenting the references of each case. The third and last area of research, based on the results of the preceding sections, presents the discussion, and draws conclusions. The collection of cases is analysed in quantifiable terms: the areas of Catalonia where most cases have been identified, the influence heritage movements have had throughout the period, the most numerous architectural typologies, and the number of assets that have been demolished or acquired new uses after the mobilizations, among others. Finally, the concepts from the theoretical framework are combined with the results of the inventory to develop qualitative discourse on heritage activism in Catalonia in terms of the common good, hegemony and counterculture, ending with a section on the relationship of the phenomenon with the media
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