L’impacte de l’aproximació dels fons de coneixement en les relacions família-escola. Un estudi qualitatiu

The present doctoral thesis is part of a large number of research studies that have highlighted the benefits of good family-school relationships in the development and learning processes of children (Blasco, 2018; Bronfenbrenner, 1979; Epstein, 2018; Esteban-Guitart and Vila, 2013a; García-Bacete, 2003; Vila, 1998, Blanch et al., 2021 & Smith et al., 2022). Especially, these relationships have been shown to be necessary in situations of home-school discontinuity (Poveda, 2001). In that regard, the educational program Funds of Knowledge initially arise with the aim of improving the academic efficiency of Hispanic students, creating relationships of mutual trust between teachers and families and facilitating educational and curricular contextualization processes. The approach of funds of knowledge has shown benefits especially in improving family-school relationships (Esteban-Guitart i Vila, 2013b; Hensley, 2005; Lin & Bates, 2010; Llopart, Serra & Esteban-Guitart, 2018; Meyer and Mann, 2006; Tenery, 2005; White and Karabon, 2016). However, the influence of the program on the own visited families is not known. This thesis is intended to contribute to existing literature in a two-way sense. First, by identifying the factors that impact the improvement of these relationships through the application of the program and, second, by analyzing, the first time in the literature available about it, the impact of the program on the families visited according to their experiences and perceptions. For this purpose, this program was applied at a public school in Girona, in families with children of Child Education (three years old), in which a certain discontinuity in relations with the school was observed. In this sense, 6 teachers participated in the Child Education cycle who visited 6 families according to the criteria: low or poor relationship with the school (discontinuity), some knowledge of the host language, representation of the heterogeneity of the origins of the students, being two of them from Gambia and Morocco, one from Honduras and one from India. The thesis is articulated around three articles linked to this theme. We highlight two contributions from them, which derive from the fixed objectives. On the one hand, the identification of factors that influence the improvement of home-school relationships. This is concretized in the definition of good relationships and their characterization, description of the benefits that derive, identification of the contribution of the program to the improvement of such relationships, as well as the identification of the arguments in favor, and against, the participation of families, the type of involvement desired, and its perceived difficulties according to teachers and participating families. On the other hand, the analysis of the impact of the program according to the participating families, identifying their beliefs in relation to the school, teachers and family-school relationships after being visited, as well as from the perceptions of the participating teachers ​
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