Revisiting STEAM in the interplay between extrinsic and intrinsic goals of education: Implications for teaching and teacher training
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Considering non-consensual understandings, we aim to revisit STEAM exploring its distinctiveness as an educational approach embedded within the broader discourses of education and tensions between the extrinsic and intrinsic educational goals. For that, we embarked on an article-based doctoral thesis utilising mixed-method research across three phases of knowledge development: 1) problem conceptualisation, 2) empirical investigation, and 3) implementation and evaluation. The problem conceptualisation phase comprises five articles on qualitative methods: concept analysis, narrative reviews and systematic reviews. These articles delve into STEAM epistemology, exploring its connections with sustainability and playful learning. The empirical investigation phase consists of two mixed-method articles. One quasi-experimental study inquires about students‘ conceptions of engineering, and a second case study examines the effects of a practical teacher-training programme on planning STEAM ability. Finally, the implementation and evaluation phase concerns two qualitative articles describing STEAM activities on engineering teaching, first intertwined with sustainability and then playful drama, representing extrinsic and intrinsic goals of education.
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