Seguridad alimentaria y bienestar subjetivo de niños y niñas participantes del programa familias en Chile
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The research aims to examine the relationship between food security and subjective well-being of girls and boys participating in the Families Program of the Metropolitan Region in Chile. A cross-sectional explanatory correlational design was used. The sample corresponds to 972 boys and girls between 10 and 14 years of age, belonging to the Familias program of the Metropolitan Region in Chile who live in contexts of poverty. The instruments used were: Overall Life Satisfaction Single Item Scale (OLS), Happiness Single Item Scale (OHS), Personal Well-Being Index - Schoolchildren Version (PWI-SC), Satisfaction with Food-related Life Scale (SWFL) and Latin American and Caribbean Food Security Scale (ELCSA).
The results show high observed mean scores in all the subjective well-being and food security scales, however, in all of them the shape of the distribution evidences that there are more extreme cases below the mean.
The majority of children (70%) live in situations of moderate or severe food insecurity, with girls being more likely to live in situations of severe food insecurity and with less access to food than boys. Children with normal weight have better food security rates, compared to obese children who have a higher prevalence of severe food insecurity.
Children with normal weight have food security and access to food in sufficient quantity and quality; on the contrary, children with obesity have a higher prevalence of severe food insecurity and the greatest restrictions in access to food in quantity and quality.
In conclusion, there is a positive and significant relationship between food security and children's subjective well-being in all the models tested, highlighting the largest effect between ELCSA with SWFL, which explains 42% of the variance in food-related life satisfaction. This result, from the perspective of positive psychology, implies recognizing food as a new indicator of children's subjective well-being and therefore incorporating it in the design of future psychosocial interventions to combat child poverty
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