Espacios y materiales para el desarrollo de las matemáticas informales de 0 a 3 años
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Literature on early childhood mathematics education shows the importance of favoring the development of informal mathematical knowledge from the first cycle (0-3 years) as the first intuitive and informal mathematics is the necessary link to access formal mathematics. The pre-kindergarten, where girls and boys are the center of educational action, becomes the perfect context, as a unique and decisive opportunity, to promote these first mathematics. Due to this, it is necessary to have professionals aware of the need of offering educational contexts that foster the development of mathematical thinking. Professionals trained to be able to design spaces and materials with diversified proposals, of high quality and with mathematical sense.
The purpose of the study is to determine the knowledge of professionals before and after a specific training program to promote the development of mathematical thinking in children from 0 to 3 years of age. In this sense, it is intended to help professionals rethink the spaces of the different classrooms from the perspective of early childhood mathematics education and to encourage children in the first cycle of Early Childhood Education (0-3 years) to have the opportunity to find answers to their needs of learning, playing, exploring and manipulating while developing their intuitive and informal mathematical skills. In this way, the purpose of the study is to determine what mathematical and didactic knowledge is required by nursery school professionals to promote educational contexts that favor the development of these early mathematics
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