Factores asociados al bienestar subjetivo en docentes chilenos
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Teachers are one of the main pillars of our society, multiple studies indicate that their subjective well-being is essential for a good performance of their duties. This research aims to identify the main protective and risk factors that affect teacher well-being in Chilean school teachers, through five descriptive-correlational studies. A probabilistic and stratified sample was used in 700 teachers who work in schools in urban areas of Chile. They answered a questionnaire made up of 16 characterization questions and 8 scales: Collective Efficacy in short format, Personal Well-being Inventory for Adults, Satisfaction with school, social well-being at school, Assessment of Burnout Syndrome, Perceived Discrimination, Satisfaction with life and Organizational Justice. According to the results, it can be established that the main protective factors of the subjective well-being of teachers are the vocation and enthusiasm for work. On the other hand, collective efficacy, by itself, would not be strongly related to well-being, but it is relevant when it works by mediating the perception of organizational justice. At the level of risk factors for subjective well-being, we found two dimensions linked to burnout: psychological exhaustion and guilt. Finally, discrimination based on age and sexual identity seems to have a strong impact on the well-being of Chilean teachers. Considering these factors, it is possible to build an operational model for the generation of interventions to improve teachers' subjective well-being
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