Análisis sistemático de la investigación y los estudios sobre infancia y juventud durante el estado de alarma por COVID-19 en Cataluña: Impacto social y educativo
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The exceptional circumstances generated by the pandemic in society particularly affect vulnerable people and groups or those at risk of social exclusion. This study focuses on these groups and, above all, on the effects on childhood, adolescence and youth in the territorial scope of Catalonia. With the aim of analyzing the impact of COVID-19 from a social and educational approach, a systematic analysis is carried out of 19 scientific articles selected using the PRISMA method and a complementary non-systematic analysis of 39 studies and reports produced specifically in the Catalan context from the beginning of the pandemic to the present day. The results describe and analyze areas such as mental health and emotional well-being; school and work; social and community networks; and new technologies. They also identify the effect on specific groups through situations of poverty, immigration, residential/family foster care, functional diversity and recognition of LGTBI people. It concludes by pointing out the need to address and strengthen community resilience and also to focus support on children and young people made vulnerable by the effects of the pandemic