Redes sociales de apoyo personal en jóvenes con discapacidad intelectual. Una comparativa entre redes de jóvenes con y sin discapacidad intelectual
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Interpersonal relationships, understood as desired and meaningful relationships for people and the basis of their social network, stand out as a factor that significantly influences the processes of social inclusion in different areas of people's lives. Having meaningful interpersonal relationships is essential for people to establish and manage a supportive social network, which is considered the apex of social inclusion (Forrester-Jones et al., 2006; Fulford & Cobigo, 2016).
Previous studies indicate that people with intellectual disabilities often suffer from isolation and social exclusion (Cuskelly and Gilmore, 2014; Callus and Farrugia, 2016), which frequently leads to them experiencing difficulties in establishing and maintaining interpersonal relationships, achieving social inclusion and a good quality of life. Considering this situation, the main aim of this research is to study the personal support networks of young people with intellectual disabilities, comparing them with the personal support networks of other young people without disabilities, in order to know how their situation is and what their wishes are. Accordingly, interviews were conducted with 27 young people with intellectual disabilities and 24 young people without intellectual disabilities, aged between 13 and 19 years old, in which information was obtained about their personal support networks, following a Personal Network Analysis methodology (Molina, 2005). The information was collected and analysed using the Egonet software and the statistical program SPSS v.27 (IBM SPSS Statistics, New York, USA), which allowed to detect the significant differences existing between the personal support networks of the participants with and without disabilities
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