Un retaule d'estampa: Perris de la Rocha i Nicolau Mates a la catedral de Girona

Professor of Art History specialising in theRenaissance and Baroque periods. PrincipalInvestigator on the project “Reflections ofthe Sacred. The Altarpiece cycle in Cataloniafrom Late Middle Ages to the Academicism. Patterns, Artistic Heritage and GenderPerspective “ (PID2020-114339GB-C21) financed by MCIN/ AEI. The focusses of his research are the following: (1) the collecting of the Marquises of Villafranca in the times of Philip II and Philip III, with particular attention to the cases of García de Toledo and his son Pedro de Toledo; (2) the art of the 16th and 17th centuries produced in Catalonia, with emphasis on the critical study andthe rediscovery of some of the most outstanding authors and works; and (3) the reconstruction of the artistic culture of theplastic arts workshops in the Principality of Catalonia. ​
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