La educación STEAM y el aprendizaje lúdico en todos los niveles educativos

A narrative review of the literature in the Web of Science and Scopus databases is presented. Its objective is to explore the relationship between STEAM education (an acronym in English for interdisciplinarity between Sciences, Technology, Engineering, Arts/Humanities and Mathematics) and playful learning. The review has been structured in four phases: 1) search elements and Boolean logic, 2) information sources, 3) eligibility criteria, and 4) data collection and analysis processes. From the reviewed articles, first, we briefly present the historical evolution and the definitions of these two approaches, and then evidence of experiences on STEAM education which were conducted through playful-based teaching methodologies: free play, guided play, formal game and gamification. Second, we analysed the intersection between both approaches regarding creativity and highlighted implications for teacher professional development. We concluded that the connections between STEAM education and playful learning are cognitively powerful and feasible at all educational levels; however, they add complexity to the didactic design, which requires knowledge teachers may not have. That can generate some resistance and cognitive conflicts. Finally, there is a need for a broader understanding of playful learning, more research, and appropriate teacher training on STEAM-playful networking ​
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