Club de valientes violencia 0: contextos upstander en educación infantil y primaria para prevenir el acoso de primer y segundo orden

Carbonell Sevilla, Sara
This thesis aims to respond to the global problem of bullying and school violence (UNESO, 2019) from a preventive perspective and based on scientific evidence of social impact. The main objective of the thesis is to demonstrate that Zero Violence Brave Club is an action that is based on scientific evidence and is an effective action in the prevention and reduction of school violence thanks to the creation of a safe context and a support network for the victims and the people who defend the victims. In order to achieve this objective, a field work has been carried out in which the implementation of the Zero Violence Brave Club of 6 infant and primary schools of the Valencian Community, all of them belonging to the Valencia Seminary on The Shoulders of Giants, has been analyzed. In the development of this field work we have conducted focus groups and in-depth interviews with teachers, students and families. The results show that the Zero Violence Brave Club is an action that generates safe contexts to break the silence about violence because it creates support networks for the victims and those who protect them, giving attractiveness to the upstander behaviors that are actively positioned against violence that occurs in school environments. It has also been demonstrated the effectiveness of this action in breaking the isolation of victims, a fact that has resulted in the reduction of school violence in line with research that has studied in depth the Second Order Sexual Assault (Vidu et al., 2017; Flecha, 2021) ​
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