Conocimiento especializado del profesorado de Educación Primaria para enseñar estadística y probabilidad

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Based on a systematic review of research on the knowledge of primary school teachers to teach statistics and probability, carried out from different knowledge models, 15 in-service teacher studies are analyzed from the perspective of the Mathematical Teacher's Specialized Knowledge (MTSK) model, in order to interpret the results from the specialized knowledge and to characterize it. To this end, in the first part, the domains, subdomains and/or facets of knowledge of the Mathematical knowledge for Teaching (MKT) and Didactic - Mathematical Knowledge and Competences (CCDM) are described and linked to the MTSK; the second part describes the results of the review studies and links them to the sub-domains of the MTSK; and the third part, according to the conclusions obtained, proposes the set of specialized knowledge that primary education teachers should put into play to teach statistics and probability ​
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