Numeración y cálculo en infantil y primaria: diez materiales manipulativos esenciales para desarrollar el sentido numérico
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The teaching of numbers and operations in Early Childhood Education and Primary Education has been transformed as a result of the incorporation of mathematical competence into the curriculum: an approach focused on repetition, reproduction, mechanisation and decontextualized exercises through a textbook is being replaced by an approach whose goal is to develop number sense through multiple resources, among manipulative materials play a very relevant role. Based on this paradigm shift, the first part of this article describes the important knowledge and big ideas of number and operations for developing number sense; and, in the second part, a selection of ten essential manipulative materials is presented, based on criteria of content, pedagogical purposes and type of material. For each material, various activities are described by age: 3-6 years; 6-8 years; 8-10 years; 10-12 years