Los valores de la creatividad y del goce artístico en el imaginario del docente de arte

Cagigós Villacampa, Núria
Education in values is a cross educational process that develops unique, responsible, and socially conscious individuals who in turn form civic, democratic, and tolerant societies. In this context, art is one of the main factors that contribute to the transmission of individual and social values and involves creative and emotional experiences from an empirical and sociocultural approach. The research focuses on discovering teacher’s conceptions regarding the values of creativity and artistic joy in the educational environment that evidence the significance of its current development. The bases that sustain the study acquire an artistic and qualitative character which allows a permanent dialogue that facilitates the interpretation of the data and, with it, the observation of what the teachers conceive and what they disregard. We have worked with a random sample of fifty teachers who teach art at different educational stages. The results of the field study show that the values of creativity and artistic joy have a cognitive, functional, and physical-vital basis that help the individual to create new connections and associations in problem-solving, in addition to generating the exaltation of aesthetic emotions through artistic techniques and personal experiences of everyday life. ​
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