Una reconstrucción del concepto de daño desde las teorías de la referencia directa

This research aims to achieve a greater understanding of the concept of damage according to its use in the legal practice of extra-contractual civil liability. The observation of both dogmatics and Spanish civil jurisprudence shows that there is no clarity or consensus when it comes to defining the damage, characterizing it, and even making explicit what its identification criteria are. To address this problem, the use of the term ‘damage’ and the semantic reference mechanisms involved in such use will be analyzed. The reconstruction of the legal discourse about damage will be carried out from a descriptivist and conventionalist semantic conception, first, and from the theories of direct reference later. I propose to show that the latter have advantages over other conceptions, since they manage to more adequately reflect the effective use of the term ‘damage’ in legal practice, clarifying various aspects about the concept of damage involved in it ​
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