Retos contemporáneos en la formación del profesorado: desarrollando competencias de sostenibilidad desde la educación estadística

Education for sustainable development is one of the most important challenges of the 21st century, so teacher training cannot be left out of this challenge. From this point of view, this reflection article assumes that it is necessary to rethink the teaching of mathematics with the aim of initiating from an early age the development of the sustainability competences proposed by UNESCO: systemic thinking, anticipation, normative, strategic, collaboration, critical thinking, self-awareness and problem solving. To achieve this purpose, future teachers must be trained to make connections between mathematical competence and sustainability competences. In this context, an experience linked to statistics education with a focus on sustainability developed with 28 Chilean future primary school teachers is described and analysed. It is concluded that the PPDAC (Problem, Plan, Data, Analysis and Conclusion) statistical research cycle develops some of the main sustainability competences ​
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