Estereotips negatius respecte l'envelliment i la vellesa del col·lectiu de professionals i usuaris a centres gerontològics de la comarca de La Selva. Traducció i adaptació del CENVE
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The pandemic situation experienced by COVID-19 has made discriminatory attitudes towards older people visible, especially in gerontological centers. Knowing which are the stereotypes regarding aging and old age in the centers of our context is the first step to be able to carry out effective interventions aimed at reducing them. The objective of this work is, in a first phase, the translation and adaptation of CENVE into Catalan (CENVE-CAT) following the stages established by the International Test Commission (ITC). A total of 79 subjects participated, 48 Catalan-speaking (60.8%) and 31 Spanish-speaking (39.2%), from three La Selva institutions selected for convenience. The results show equivalence between the Catalan and Spanish versions of the CENVE in all the aspects studied and good guarantees of reliability and validity. In a second phase, the objective of the study is to identify stereotypes towards aging and old age of professionals and users of gerontological centers in La Selva and their relationship with social demographic, psychological, institutional and participation in activities variables. The participants are 146 subjects from five gerontological institutions, selected for convenience, 58.2% users (n1 = 85) and 41.8% professionals (n2 = 61). Participants respond to CENVE and CENVE-CAT according to their preference. The results show that users present higher levels of stereotypes than professionals. The user profile with the most stereotypes is a woman with lower levels of subjective health, self-esteem and satisfaction with life, moderate or total dependence, and who does not participate in social activities. The professional profile with the most stereotypes is that of a Spanish-speaking assistant. These results show the need to implement differentiated intervention measures to reduce or eradicate stereotypes, depending on whether they are aimed at the group of professionals or users
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