Nota de las editoras: Desde la intermedialidad para la intermedialidad: una didáctica de los lenguajes

Kunde, Karo
Piderit, María Fernanda
Literary criticism has been traditionally concentrated on the linguistic domain of literary creation and reception, with written words as the main medium for its dif-ferent modulations, a fact that we observe also in the didactics of language and lit-erature, despite its communicative approach. Intermediality studies allow us to ap-proach literature as a medium among other media and languages that are combined in imbrications that are difficult to unravel and for which new strategies and decod-ing skills of the messages that circulate in different media and platforms -television, streaming, illustrated books, visual poetry, street art, video-poetry, digital litera-ture, etc.- are required. Faced with this panorama we ask ourselves: is it possible to think today of a form of literature that is not intermedial? And what are the strate-gies and competences that we should enhance to approach literary creation in depth? Based on these questions, the present monograph gathers different contribu-tions to renew the understanding and interpretation of literary creations and to pro-vide new entries to theoretical and practical applications of intermedial methodolo-gies in educational contexts ​
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