L’empoderament de les persones joves amb mesura de convivència en grup educatiu de medi obert. Anàlisi de la tasca socioeducativa i disseny d’estratègies per a la intervenció en el sistema de justícia juvenil
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The present work investigates the empowerment processes of young people who have complied with the judicial ruling of living in an open educational group in Catalonia for having committed crimes of child-to-parent violence, the aim being to assess the impact of socio-educational intervention in these cases.
This study explores the work done by young people who have complied with the aforementioned judicial ruling and their progress and evolution in relation to dimensions of empowerment, as well as the factors that favour or hinder this process. The research is based on the views and experiences of the young people themselves, in addition to those of their families and professionals in educational intervention.
The results allow us to identify three major blocks linked to the general aims of the research: the first is related to the deployment of youth empowerment dimensions, the second the potential and limitations of this process and the third practical guidelines that can foster empowerment in the field of youth justice
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