Estadística en contexto: desarrollando un enfoque escolar común para promover la alfabetización = Statistics in context: Developing a common school approach for promoting literacy = Estatísticas em contexto: desenvolvendo uma abordagem comum da escola para promover a alfabetização

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The aim of this article is to promote the teaching of statistics in context in Early Childhood and Primary Education. With this purpose, the first part argues the importance of planning the teaching of statistics from real contexts and offers resources and strategies based mainly on statistical research projects; in the second part, a statistical research project is described in a school based on the celebration of carnival. The results show a longitudinal view of the contents of statistics from pre-school to 6th grade of primary school, starting with children's own counting of data and ending with the representation of data with pie charts. It is concluded that it is necessary to advance towards the definition of a methodological approach in the area of mathematics in order to achieve a coherent teaching that promotes statistical literacy at all levels ​
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