Joves migrats en contextos rurals. Per a una nova ruralitat global i culturalment diversa: polítiques d'inclusió social dels joves emigrats sols als municipis petits
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Based on their work experience in the first reception service for foreigners of the Inclusion
and Community Care Team of the Welfare Area of the Alt Empordà County Council,
the authors reflect on the support to young emigrants who came alone, especially when
it has to be provided from rural municipalities. Their work experience in this field and
from these contexts has been pioneering: in December 2018 they launched the regional
table of young people without adult referents, to coordinate all the agents who work in
the Alt Empordà with these young people. This article outlines three lines of work that
can facilitate the reception and social inclusion of young emigrants alone: 1) the design
and implementation of local policies that guarantee the rights of young people and their
empowerment; 2) policies designed with proximity and community action; and 3) policies
framed in a global strategic vision of the social and sustainable development of rural municipalities with specific diagnostic tools. The authors also provide a tool for the diagnosis
and promotion of community actions aimed at the social inclusion of these young people.
Finally, they point out what they understand to be the lines of work in the near future
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