Salut mental, sensellarisme i vulnerabilitat de joves extutelats = Salud mental, sinhogarismo y vulnerabilidad de jóvenes extutelados

Hundreds of minors born in the Maghreb come to Spain every year in search of a better future. The reality of these young people after taking the decision to migrate to a country that might fulfil these hopes often entails a descent into ex-clusion, a trajectory of personal suffering in all areas (social, psychological, physical, spiritual and cultural). This article discusses several re-levant topics for describing the elements that constitute risk factors for mental health pro-blems: from the unrecognised risk to life of the journey to our country to contact with a system of protection that will leave many of these boys on the street. Once they are in a situation of ho-melessness, pre- and post-stressors accumulate in each young person and generate a situation of such stress that there is a high risk of damage to their mental health, with consequences that they may have to live with for the rest of their lives ​
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