Transição entre o Acolhimento e a Vida Adulta: Uma Revisão Sistemática sobre Intervenções
Texto Completo
The objective of this study was to map the scientifi c production of the last decade on intervention
programs to favor the emancipation of youth leaving the protection system after turning 18 years old.
Twenty articles were selected through a systematic review of literature. These articles were indexed in
the following databases: Scientifi c Electronic Library Online (SciELO), Literatura Latino-Americana e
do Caribe em Ciências da Saúde (LILACS), PubMed, PsycINFO, Pro Quest Psychology Journals and
Web of Science. The majority of the articles were written in North America, using either longitudinal or
transversal quantitative design. The studies evaluated the interventions using three types of evaluation
design: process (15), effect (15) and impact (2). The programs differed in type (housing, short-term and
or long-term); content (independent life skills, education and work); and method (different degrees of
participation). Besides exploring the strengths and weaknesses of each intervention program, this article
discusses the relevance of the evaluation processes to scientifi c advance in this fi eld. As a conclusion, it
is argued that to favor the transition process the intervention should have the following characteristics:
in long-term basis; combine independent life skills with emotional, social and community support; to
consider participants individual and cultural differences as well as their capability of making decisions