Itinerario de enseñanza para el álgebra temprana

This article presents the Mathematics Teaching Itinerary Approach, which tries to be respectful of the students’ real needs to learn mathematics. The first part presents the foundation of the approach, which is based on three interrelated pillars: the Sociocultural Perspective of Human Learning, the Realistic-Reflective Training Model and Realistic Mathematical Education; The second part describes the approach, which refers to a sequence of intentional teaching that includes three levels: 1) teaching in informal contexts (the immediate environment, manipulatives and games); 2) teaching in intermediate contexts (literary and technological resources); 3) teaching in formal contexts (graphic resources); Finally, this approach is exemplified in the third part with an itinerary for teaching early algebra for students aged 3 to 12 years. It is concluded that the implementation of this approach requires a broad mastery of didactic-disciplinary knowledge, which requires an important effort from all agents involved in teacher training so all professionals concerned with improving their teaching practice and adapting it to the S. XXI requirements may have access to this knowledge ​
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