Lesiones mortales de tráfico en España relacionadas con el trabajo según el motivo del desplazamiento y según sexo (2010-2013)

Background: Most studies about work-related traffic injuries in Spain are based in labor administration information. The aim of this study was to carry out a description of fatal work-related traffic injuries in Spain according to travelling reason between 2010 and 2013, based on the Transport Authority database. Methods: Descriptive study of fatal work-related traffic injuries that drivers between 16 and 70 years old suffered, whose reason for travelling was recorded as labour, occurred during working or commuting hours, between 2010 and 2013. In order to assess statistically significant differences according to the reason for travelling (during working and commuting hours) in the distributions of the variables included, and separately for men and women, appropriate statistical tests were calculated for each variable. In particular, socio-demographic, driver-related, travelling conditions, and contributing factors at the time of the accident variables were taken into account. Results: The total number of fatal work-related traffic injuries was 847, a 88.3% in men and 53,1% during working hours. Fatal work-related traffic injuries among men were significantly more frequent during working hours when the driver was a professional (74.7%), with an industrial vehicle or van (67.7%), and in routes longer than 50 kilometres (60.5%). Among women, fatal collisions occurred during commuting hours while driving their own car (98.7%), with a private car or motorcycle (98.7%) and in routes lower than 50 kilometres (79.6%). Conclusion: These results show a different pattern of fatal work-related traffic injuries according to reason for travelling, during working or commuting hours, between men and women. This should be deeply studied to direct road and occupational policies more precisely ​
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