Nuevas mirada escolares: la práctica educativa en las sociedades del siglo XXI

The society has been experiencing a series of changes during the last decades that have made it more heterogeneous, technologically and digitally more dependent, more unstable at work and more unequal. There are some authors who even speak of a “change of era” (Subirats, 2019). The political and social pressure of this phenomenon is also coming to school. The school, as an intermediation space (Moll, 2014; Vila & Esteban-Guitart, 2017; Subirats, 2019), needs to be updated and regenerated if it does not want to be outdated. However, this update has to be accompanied by solutions such as recognizing the identities of the learners in contexts of heterogeneity or betting on educational practices that help build the agency and the critical vision of the students. To do this, opening the school to the territory by betting on the interrelation between educational, social and cultural components can help it respond again to the demands that society asks for. Next, we present three proposals that go in the direction of moving towards educational experiences where the school, and different agents of its surroundings, participate jointly in the solution and improvement of the learning processes of the apprentices ​
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